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Friday, July 30, 2010

This time, it's u. If we were gonna start. It's gonna be abt u. Think what I wanna think? Someone called at 12? U didn't even explain telling me who was it. Than got guilty consious and telling me to think what I wanna think?? Does that even makes sence? that's why I'm saying, are are only going one direction, which is yr direction. What ever u wanna do, what ever u choose to do, we'll follow. coz it's only u. U make all the decisions now. Not US. Okay?? That is what we are. Didn't even bother. Another thing, u can't reply my MSG, but u can go fb eh?? Oh ya, u can an I can't is it?? Just got nothing to say. U are stuck inbetween me and yr friends??? Can I even say that? I guess not, when I say such a thing, u'll go over the top. Still wonder, what have I done so bad till i'm being treated this way. Maybe u are right..

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thus is just the best place. Nothing more. Changed changed changed changes changed changed changed. That's all I can say. Selfish is the word. It used to be both have a say. But now? Ego! That's the word, coz u know u are superb drop dead beautiful. That's the reason why, attitude and all. Can't be told, will get pissed off. Oh ya, I must take care of her heart. Than mine? Who is gonna take care of mine?? I know I've been giving in, even when being fuck without any reason. I won't make it a big fuzz. Ya, told me not change when I got into new school, new friend and new surrounding. I don't change, u do. I've been sound so desperate. Or maybe just too used to it. Too used to hanging on. Too used to depend on someone else. Maybe I have to change. If ppl around me can change, why can't I? U can show yr attitude, why can't I? U can get angry for no reason, why CANT I?? I don't know what I did wrong, or maybe u just felt like changing. U need yr time with yr friends? I used to asked for that, but I don't neglect u, remember?? I don't. So, do I diserve to be treated this way?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sometime, things just dosent turn out the way it should be.
Sometime ppl that u love hurts you. What we need to do is just to
forgve and learn. Being in love is a journey, a journey of a life time.
A journey full of ups and downs. It's a journey for two. So, when u fall,
there is someone who helps u to get back up. And not kick u till u can't
get up. The journey for two is so that one cAn help another.
By helping and by getting into troubles, they both can learn about each
other more. And sadly, if it's a true love. There is nothing that can saperat them.
Nothing! But, when ne baills. The other one will be sitting there staring to
nothingness. Just can't do anything. This journey can't nver be forced.
When they baills. U can't do anything if I wants what's best for her. If, she can
have a happy journey with others, we just can't do anything.
But, please. Don't hurt and lie. The ones u love. If u love them
treasure them. Treat everyday like yr last. Don't waste anytime fighting, coz
you'll never know when they'll change their mind. Or suddenly gone from
yr life. It's just not fair some time. Coz life isn't fair. But when someone u loves
hurts u*there is nothing worse than that*, you just don't know what to do. Haissss.

First love is the worse to end. When one have got a change of heart.
U'll know it. Don't have to ask, u'll just know it. Ppl think they are never wrong.
And they never blame themself. I just don't know what I did. I wanna
continue loving. I don't wanna fight. I'll start learning. I'll start to live more for myself.
I will try to accept it that u need yr space. I'll start findin my space.
Please don't be selfish. Coz, I love u. Whatever u need and want,
I guess I need too. If u need space and time with yr friends, than I do too.
Just think about it, it's different right? Maybe better for u. Just to scared to
stand up to yr friend who is talking. Think abt it, we live so far, we are in diff school,
u can't go out with me coz, u'll get scolded and grounded, the only time to meet
is after yr school, or anything u have lik sports and studies. U already
meet yr friends during trainig, why can I have u after that? U wants to spend time
with them after training. Coz they think u'll haven been meeting them?
Than when can I ever meet u? Even when u don't train, u'll go with yr sports friend
to watch others play till night? And I can't be there, coz u don't invite me?
When can I ever spend time with u? Even on weekends u are too busy?
Or is it, u've change yr mind about us?? I don't want anything bad to happen.
Can I know what I did that makes u change yr mind till like this?

P.S What ever it is, i love u.

Base codes: darkdegree
Editor: Rocksonkisses

For making me so hard to please
Because you treated me so good that
No one else could hold your make-up
Because of you girl
I never want to break up



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